
Professional Property negotiation is not too dissimilar to a game of Poker – ‘you've got to know when to hold 'em or know when to fold 'em’.

At BUYERS REP you have a professional guide you through all of the various processes making sure that you have an opportunity on getting the upper hand in negotiations, through a non-emotional and professional buyers advocate purchasing for you the right home AND at the right price, whilst saving you time and heartache.

Level the negotiation playing field with a seller by engaging our buyer advocacy service at BUYERS REP….

Cam Greig

Founder & Buyers Agent

As a past Australasian Real Estate Sales Award Winner, Cam's personal motto - "Making it Happen" demonstrates his total dedication and commitment to achieving the desired outcomes for his valued clients.

Cam Greig is a seasoned real estate agent with extensive experience spanning three decades on the opposite end of the spectrum, selling real estate & is also a licensed auctioneer.

This background equips Cam with a comprehensive understanding of the tactics employed by fellow real estate agents having himself successfully negotiated the sale of some of Perth’s most prestigious properties.

Cam demonstrates his exceptional negotiation skills and power of persuasion by developing targeted campaigns which are not predetermined prior to  meeting his clients with a “one model fits all” philosophy but a more strategic process, individually tailored to suit that client.